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20-Minute Neighbourhoods
Living Locally:Creating Resilient 20-minute Neighbourhoods in Greenfield Growth Areas
We are proud to have collaborated on Resilient Melbourne's Living Locally: Creating Resilient 20-minute Neighbourhoods in Greenfield Growth Areas. This is the result of a collaborative effort to integrate research and knowledge from practice to present pathways for supporting liveability and resilience in emerging and future developments.
Project Purpose
The purpose of this project was to explore challenges and opportunities for establishing 20-minute neighbourhoods in new residential and mixed-use suburbs. The report brings together evidence from four related research projects about outcomes in previously-established greenfield suburbs, and knowledge from practical experience of those working in growth areas. While the focus is on opportunities for new suburbs, the findings also have relevance in established areas, especially as we are acutely reminded of the role of spatial design in facilitating local-level social connection and community resilience.
Application in Practice
We hope that this report is useful in future endeavours to build liveable and resilient communities. In addition to synthesising evidence-based research and knowledge from past experience, the report presents a range of actions that can be taken up by state and local government, private developers, planners, community groups, researchers and others. These opportunities, as with all resilience-building work, will only succeed if approached through collaboration and partnership.
The work was funded by the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and was made possible through partnership with a range of organisations. RMIT University and Monash University produced the innovative research underpinning the report.
Click on the image below to access the report. Alternatively, download it on the Resilient Melbourne website or the Plan Melbourne 20-minute Neighbourhoods website (under the 'Research' tab).